Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am now 2 1/2 months...

Pada umur 2bulan setengah, Aisya can:

  • berborak dengan excitednya sambil jelir2 lidah...
  • senyum especially bila orang layan dia borak
  • berpusing 360 darjah dengan hanya menolak dirinya dengan menggunakan kaki
  • tarik rambut Mama
  • masukkan sapu tangan ke dalam mulut
  • menjerit macam orang kena pukul if lambat diberi susu
  • tido dengan tenangnya pada waktu malam dan hanya bangun sekali sahaja untuk menyusu

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I am 2 months..!!!

How your baby's growing:

Your baby can tell the difference between familiar voices and other sounds, and he's becoming a better listener. He can also show you that he's in tune with his environment. Notice how he looks to see where certain noises are coming from.An ongoing conversation (although seemingly one-sided) can help your baby develop his sense of place. He may even watch your mouth as you talk, fascinated by how it all works. You'll be amazed by his ability to communicate with a growing repertory of coos (musical, vowel-like sounds), smiles, and unique cries to express his different needs.

By: BabyCenter
Psst....Aisya is now 5.3kg - 56cm...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What can i do?

Now: 4.4kg & 56cm
(Before: 3.2kg & 52cm)

  1. Aisya is now 5 weeks old but ramai kata she looks older than that. Dengan badannya yang agak bersemangat and ketinggian yang tinggi dari umur baby seangkatan dengan dia, ramai tak percaya bila Mama told them that Aisya is only 44 days year old.

  2. Aisya now sangat clingy dengan Mama. Bila menangis, even Bapak pun tak boleh pujuk. Puaslah Bapak dodoi itu ini + bangun duduk diri... nope..Aisya taknak... if Mama pegang, terus senyap... *wah..bestlaBapak..relax sikit ye*tak aci*

  3. Aisya now can turns her head left and right ikut bunyi.. and at one time bila Mama tidokan dia cara meniarap, she ends up terlentang!! and at one time tu siap tertonggeng kepala atas simen and the body atas tilam... aiyoo very lasak..

  4. Aisya sangat kuat minum. if BF, everyhour. If susu formula every 2 hours - thats why badan dia sudah gebu...

  1. Dah pandai berborak.. especially dengan Mama..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Aisya disunatkan...

Hari ni Aisya telah disunatkan oleh Dr.Nik (Az-Zahrah ,Bangi). Kalau ikutkan masa injection sebulan tu, boleh aja Mama mintak Dr.Nik buatkan..tapi sebab tak sanggup nak melihat,terpaksalah tunggu Nenek dari Jb datang rumah..
Kesian Aisya,lepas satu, satu kesakitan dia kena tanggung... lahir 4 hari kena amik darah pasal kes kuning... lepas sebulan --> injection, today pulak kena sunat... takpalah yer Aisya...Mama tahu anak Mama kuat..nanti bersalin lagi sakit sayang...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fussy Baby..

Got this from BABY CENTER: Very informative for ALL..

Wails and waaahhs are important ways for babies to communicate. Interpreting these cries takes some trial and error. Here are some of the most common things your baby is trying to say:
"Feed me." Being hungry makes a baby unhappy. Some will continue to fuss even after they've begun feeding, so don't give up too soon if a bottle or your breast doesn't seem to be working immediately. If it's time for a feeding and your baby is making a rhythmic cry along with other hunger signs like tongue thrusting, he may need to get enough in his stomach to feel fuller before he calms down.
"Change me." Some babies don't mind being in a wet or soiled diaper. Others will object right away — and let you know.
"I don't feel well." A shrill cry can be a sign of illness. It may also be your baby's way of letting you know that something is poking him, such as a scratchy clothing tag. Check to see that your baby isn't too hot or too cold. A good rule of thumb is to dress a baby in one more layer than you're wearing yourself, and remove a layer if he feels warm or seems to complain.
"Get me out of here." If a room is too noisy, the lights too bright, or too many people are handling your baby, he may react to the overstimulation by looking away and fretting.
"I'm tired." Watch for yawns, whines, and eye rubs that signal fatigue before your baby launches into an all-out cry. Try rocking or nursing him to sleep.
"Hold me." If you've checked all the possible causes and your baby is still fussing, he may simply crave the calming effect of being cuddled and rocked. Some babies will relax in a mechanical cradle or vibrating bouncy seat. Some like to be wrapped in a tight swaddle, and others just prefer being held. You can't spoil a baby at this age by holding him "too much."

My Aisya quite fussy sometimes..tapi more on 'nak mama hug-fussy' thing.. and me find it very the cute...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sakit Yellow...

Aisya telah didiagnoskan demam kuning pada hari keempat selepas dia dilahirkan... atas arahan doktor, Aisya dimasukkkan kePuteri Specialist, JB kerana bacaan darahnya 18. Menurut kata pak Dr, bacaan nya bergantung pada umur baby tu..if umurnya baru satu hari,walau bacaannya 8 still kena masuk if macam Aisya, umur 4 hari, bacaannya kena kurang dari 12..
Aisya telah dimasuukan ke sepital selama 4H3M dan Alhamdulillah selepas bacaannya sampai ke 10.7, dia dibenarkan keluar. Sepanjang berada di sepital, Mama kena ulang alik dari Mutiara Rini semata-mata nak make sure Aisya still dapat susu Mama..
Hopefully after this Aisya terhindar dari penyakit2 lain...Ameen....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First Selsema & Batuk...

Aisya got her first batuk n selsema last week. Alhamdulillah not that teruk n the paed only gave ubat titis for the nose + ubat selsema IF the selsema is getting teruk (which is not). For batuk the paed kata if Aisya batuk, just tepuk2 her belakang..that will do since the batuk pun kejap ada kejap takda.

Bila dah jumpa doktor, biasalah kan timbang berat badan + tengok height.

Alhamdulillah she is now 3.8kg (initial: 3.2kg) and 55 cm(initial : 52cm)... syabas Aisya...


Hi There... this is a dedicated blog from Mama to Aisya, our new addition in the family...

Was born on 30th June 2009 at An-Nur Specialist Hospital, Bandar Baru Bangi
Weight : 3.2kg . Height : 52cm
Welcome to this blog u-ols...